



These General Terms and Conditions of sales (hereinafter, the “General Conditions”) regulate the access and use of the intermediation service (hereinafter, the "Service") provided by the company GUTINVEST INTERNATIONAL ASSETS, S.L. (hereinafter, the "GUTINVEST") to be able to participate in a sale procedure in public auction (hereinafter, the "Auction") of machinery, stocks, real estate and other assets (hereinafter, the "Lot / s ").

The Service of intermediation between the owner of the Lot (hereinafter, the “Seller”) and the persons interested in acquiring it (hereinafter, the “Users”) is offered by GUTINVEST to the Users through the website (hereinafter, the “Platform”) in its form of sale in public auction online.

From now on, Users who use the Service through their registration in the Platform will be referred to as “Online Users”

The use of the Service implies the complete acceptance of these General Conditions. If the User does not agree with all or part of these General Conditions, they must refrain from using the Service.

By means of the acceptance of the General Conditions, the User states:

  • That you have read and understood what is stated here.
  • That it assumes all the obligations set forth herein.
  • That you are of legal age and have sufficient legal capacity to use the Service.

1.Holder of the service

The holder and owner of the Service is GUTINVEST, with address at C / Tavern 57-63, 1º 8ª 08006, Barcelona (Spain), provided with NIF nº: B-67283077 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, ​​Volume 46586, Folio 80 , Sheet B-524642. Users are provided with the email address [email protected] so they can raise any questions about these General Conditions and the operation of the Auctions.

2. Registration

In order to participate and bid in the different Auctions, it is essential to register as a User and accept these General Conditions and the privacy policy that is provided to the User. The registration does not have any cost for the User.

For this, the User must complete the registration form (hereinafter, the "Form") that GUTINVEST will make available, with their personal data that must be authentic and correct. In case of any falsification or manipulation, GUTINVEST will cancel the Registered User.

As a Registered User, you can modify your data and participate in the bids of the Auction in which you are interested. Also, you can have all the updated information regarding your bids, purchases and invoices.

3.Applicable standards

These General Conditions are subject to the provisions of Law 7/1998, of April 13, on General Conditions of Contract; to the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16; Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and the Spanish legislation in this applicable matter; Law 7/1996 of January 15 on the Regulation of Retail Trade and to Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

In any case, Users will also be subject to any other regulations that may be applicable, such as Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law.

4. Description of the Service

GUTINVEST acts solely as an intermediary between the Seller and the User in relation to the Lots that are auctioned in the Auctions.

All the Lots of each of the Auctions will be accompanied by a cataloging and description, as well as images that allow the User to have a clear idea of ​​the status and characteristics of the Lot.

The User is informed that he will have a few days of visit to be able to inspect the lots.

The Lots will be awarded to the User who has bid (hereinafter, the “Bidder”) and who is the best bidder at the end of the Auction, provided that he has exceeded the minimum award price and that the requirements indicated in these General Conditions.

GUTINVEST reserves the right to: i) request additional references to the User to verify some of the information provided in the Form; ii) request additional guarantees to be able to bid in the Auction and iii) accept or reject the bids of any User in the Auction.

Once the Auction of a Lot has been completed, the User who, in his case, has been awarded it will immediately receive an email from GUTINVEST informing him of the awarding of the Lot and also attaching the proforma invoice that may be settled in the following three (3) days, following the date of the proforma invoice.

Minimum Bid: The amount from which a Lot begins to be auctioned at the Auction.

Minimum Sale Price: It is the minimum price from which a Lot can be awarded in the Auction.

Estimation: It is the price range that GUTINVEST specialists suggest as the approximate price of the Lot.

All the Bids of Users in the Auction admitted by GUTINVEST are binding and cannot be withdrawn.

5. Specific conditions

The Lots will be auctioned in the state that they are, not accepting GUTINVEST any claim about damages, even if they have not been included in the catalog. The exhibition, in its case, of the Lots prior to the Auction will be found in the Detailed Installations of the sale, which has the purpose of enabling its perfect examination and study by the Users.

All weights and dimensions of the lots are approximate, only indicated as a guide. The valid text of the catalog, descriptions and status reports of the Lot is written in Spanish, GUTINVEST not accepting any claim regarding possible errors in the translations in other languages.

6. Bids

The order of the bids will be as follows:


Up to 100€
From 100€ to 200€
From 200€ to 500€
From 500€ to 2.000€
From 2.000 to 5.000
From 5.000 to 10.000
From 10.000 to 20.000
From 20.000 to 50.000
More than 50.000
GUTINVEST reserves the right to modify this bidding system in specific cases, informing the User before the start of the corresponding Auction.

7. Responsabilidad

GUTINVEST acts solely as an intermediary between the Seller and the User and, therefore, assumes no responsibility for any information or statement on the related Lots, by way of example, measures and current status of the Lot, with the User being the one to be trained own conviction or opinion regarding the Lots before the closing of the Auction.

GUTINVEST will only be responsible for the damages, damages or losses that the Lot would have suffered provided it is in the Installations after having been awarded to the User and the latter has paid the corresponding invoice. In this sense, once the Lot leaves the Facilities, GUTINVEST is not responsible for the status of the same and, therefore, assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss of the Lot during its transport phase to the destination indicated by the User, in case he decides to contract this transport service.

In no case may compensation or compensation be claimed on lots that have been auctioned or adjudicated, have been lost, stolen from or in the Auction, canceled or canceled Auction, expressly limited the amount to be returned to the amount of award of the batch to the Buying User. The User agrees to use the Service for the purpose for which it was created and to act in accordance with the current legislation and the terms of these General Conditions, being informed by the User in case of non-compliance, GUTINVEST may suspend or delete the User's account without prior notice or right to any type of compensation.

8.Cancellation of a purchase

All offers made by the User will be irrevocable and cannot be canceled. GUTINVEST reserves the right to claim damages that may arise in the sale process.

9.Incidents in the auction

If any incident of connectivity related to the Service occurs, it will be notified as soon as possible to the Users. GUTINVEST, in such cases, reserves the right to extend the term of the Auction affected by this incident, in order to guarantee the access to it of all the affected Users or, if it considers it convenient, it can proceed to cancel the affected Auction.

10. Commission

Once the allocation of the Lot in the Auction has taken place, GUTINVEST will send the User who has been awarded the corresponding proforma invoice. On the auction price of the allotted Lot, GUTINVEST is entitled to charge a commission for the services performed (the "Commission"), specified in the detail of each sale. To this Commission it will be necessary to add the corresponding VAT of 21%.

11. Invoice and payment method

Together with the informative email of adjudication that GUTINVEST will send to the User that has resulted the best bidder immediately after finishing the Auction, GUTINVEST will attach the proforma invoice corresponding to that Lot.

The proforma invoice must be paid to GUTINVEST within a maximum period of fifteen (3) calendar days following the date of the proforma invoice. GUTINVEST will be entitled to retain the Lot until the invoice has been paid by the User.

If the payment of the proforma invoice of that Lot is not made within the indicated period, GUTINVEST reserves the power to resolve the sale for breach of these General Conditions, thereby losing the Buyer any right over that specific Lot.

Ways to pay proforma invoices related to the Lot purchased:

a) By credit / debit card through the POS terminal (virtual point of sale) enabled in the Platform for Online Users.

b) By transfer to our bank account at BBVA:


- Account: BBVA
- IBAN: ES57 0182 0807 1802 0208 4294

12. Term to collect the allotted Lot

The User will have some collection dates specified in the detail of each sale, (hereinafter, the “Collection Deadlines”) for collection in the place indicated by GUTINVEST.

Transcurrido el Plazo Máximo de Recogida, GUTINVEST aplicará una penalización de 100 Euros por Lote y día de retraso. Si el retraso en la recogida del Lote superara los quince (15) días naturales, GUTINVEST se reserva adicionalmente, la potestad de instar cualesquiera acciones legales o judiciales que le puedan corresponder. 

13.Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents that are part of the Platform (information, images, designs, logos, software / source code, brands, etc.) are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of GUTINVEST and / or, where applicable, third parties. holders of the same who have duly authorized its use by GUTINVEST.

The acquisition of a Lot does not give the User any right over them.

Any reproduction, distribution, transformation and communication to the public, or any other exploitation of all or part of the Service or the Platform, carried out in any way or by any means, is strictly forbidden unless previously authorized in writing by GUTINVEST or third party owners. . Any infringement of these rights may give rise to extrajudicial or judicial civil or criminal procedures that apply.

14. Data protection

By registering as a User, you acknowledge and accept the processing of your personal data by GUTINVEST, according to the provisions of the Privacy Policy that GUTINVEST makes available to you during the registration process.

15. Links

The service may include links to other websites and Internet portals.

GUTINVEST does not know the contents and services of the pages of third parties and, therefore, the responsibility for the quality, content, nature or reliability of the sites and the contents available in the middle of the links is not accepted. of the Platform or the sites with links to the platform.

16.- Nullity and ineffectiveness of the clauses

If any clause included in these General Conditions is declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, such nullity or inefficacy will affect only said provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective, subsisting the General Conditions in everything else, having such provision, or the part of it that is affected, by not putting.

17. Modification of the General Conditions

GUTINVEST reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior notice, the content of these General Conditions, as well as the Service and any aspect of the design, presentation and / or configuration of the Platform. These modifications will be applicable to Online Users from the moment of their publication on the Platform.

18. Ley aplicable y fuero

Las presentes Condiciones Generales se rigen por la legislación española.

Sin perjuicio de los derechos que puedan asistir al Usuario en su condición de consumidor o usuario, toda controversia derivada de cuestiones referentes al Servicio y/o a la Plataforma será sometida a la competencia y jurisdicción de los Tribunales de la ciudad de Barcelona.

19. Especialidades aplicables a los Usuarios Presenciales

A. Registro y solicitud de baja

El Usuario que desee darse de baja como Usuario, puede hacerlo en cualquier momento contactando con [email protected] .

B. Gastos de embalaje y transporte

El Usuario que se haya adjudicado el Lote puede solicitar a GUTINVEST un presupuesto para el embalaje y el transporte del Lote al destino que indique el Usuario, siendo por tanto, por cuenta del Usuario los gastos derivados de estos servicios. No obstante, GUTINVEST facilitará en su defecto algunas empresas especializadas para que los clientes puedan solicitar presupuesto ajustado a su medida.

Una vez el Lote abandone las Instalaciones, GUTINVEST no se hace responsable del estado de los mismos y, por tanto, el Usuario será el único responsable de cualquier daño que pudiera sufrir el Lote durante esta fase de transporte.

20. Especialidades aplicables a los Usuarios Online

A. Registro y solicitud de baja como Usuario

El Formulario le pedirá introducir un “nombre de usuario” y una “contraseña” que el Usuario deberá introducir cuando quiera acceder a “Mi Cuenta GUTINVEST ” de la Plataforma (en adelante, la “Zona de Usuario”) para garantizar su identidad y poder participar en las Subastas. El Usuario se obliga a pujar en su nombre y a no ceder a terceras personas sus claves de acceso a la Plataforma que son personales e intransferibles.

Una vez enviado el Formulario con la información solicitada, GUTINVEST validará su registro y le enviará un email de confirmación de que ya puede acceder y operar en la Plataforma como Usuario registrado.

El Usuario que desee darse de baja como Usuario, puede hacerlo en cualquier momento contactando con GUTINVEST y de conformidad a lo dispuesto en la política de privacidad de GUTINVEST.

B. Descripción del Servicio

Las Subastas incorporarán una cuenta atrás en forma de cronómetro (en adelante, la “Cuenta Atrás”), que contabilizan el tiempo restante para participar en la puja de un Lote. Si durante el último minuto de la Subasta se realiza una puja, la Cuenta Atrás se extenderá cinco minutos más para dar cabida a otras posibles pujas.

Toda puja realizada en la Plataforma por un Usuario quedará incluida de forma automática, dentro de la Zona de Usuario dónde el Usuario podrá hacer un seguimiento del historial de los Lotes por los que haya pujado.

C. Gastos de embalaje y transporte

Una vez enviada la factura proforma del Lote al Usuario, éste podrá acceder a su Zona de Usuario y contratar, si está habilitada la venta para ello, los servicios de embalaje, carga y transporte del Lote, cuyo coste siempre será a cargo del Usuario. En cualquier caso, según dicho anteriormente, una vez el Lote abandone las Instalaciones, GUTINVEST no se hace responsable del estado y daños que se puedan producir en el Lote.

El Usuario que se haya adjudicado el Lote también puede a su elección e indicándoselo así a GUTINVEST, encargarse por su cuenta de la recogida del Lote en las Instalaciones detalladas de la venta, siempre y cuando no se haya asignado una empresa especializada encargada de las labores de embalaje y carga. En el caso de que se haya especificado una empresa especializada, el cliente deberá contratar sus servicios, especificados en el desglose del precio final del lote.
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